Push cylinders (CF/CFU)

CF cylinders are workhorses in REHOBOT’s cylinder range. They can be used for a variety of purposes. The cylinders are prepared for accessories to be connected at the piston top or at the bottom of the cylinder. The CF cylinders can easily be mounted in applications by the use of its collar mounting threads.

  • 5-45 tons capacity and 127-300 mm stroke length.
  • High strength alloy steel design for multi purpose use.
  • Removable grooved piston cap and chromated piston rods.

CF = Single acting push cylinder with spring return.
CFU = Single acting push cylinder with spring return and extended piston pin.

Metric measurements

Name Item code Working pressure MPa Capacity kN (t) Stroke mm Stroke volume cm³ Diameter mm
CF104B 27485 70 49 (5) 127 90 37.5
CF204B 27486 70 49 (5) 200 142 37.5
CF110C 43829 70 111 (11) 150 239 56.5
CF210C 43830 70 111 (11) 200 318 56.5
CF310C 43831 70 111 (11) 300 477 56.5
CF120A 24178 70 232 (24) 127 422 84
CF220A 24973 70 232 (24) 200 664 84
CF320A 24974 70 232 (24) 300 996 84
CF240 24920 70 445 (45) 200 1272 120
CFU2010C 43837 70 111 (11) 200 318 56.5
CFU2510C 43838 70 111 (11) 250 398 56.5

Imperial measurements

Name Item code Working pressure Psi Capacity kN (t) Stroke in Stroke volume in³ Diameter in
CF104B 27485 10000 49 (5.5) 5 5.5 1.5
CF204B 27486 10000 49 (5.5) 7.9 8.7 1.5
CF110C 43829 10000 111 (12.1) 5.9 14.6 2.2
CF210C 43830 10000 111 (12.1) 7.9 19.4 2.2
CF310C 43831 10000 111 (12.1) 11.8 29.1 2.2
CF120A 24178 10000 232 (26.5) 5 25.8 3.3
CF220A 24973 10000 232 (26.5) 7.9 40.5 3.3
CF320A 24974 10000 232 (26.5) 11.8 60.8 3.3
CF240 24920 10000 445 (49.6) 7.9 77.6 4.7
CFU2010C 43837 10000 111 (12.1) 7.9 19.4 2.2
CFU2510C 43838 10000 111 (12.1) 9.8 24.3 2.2